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News Board
[Herald Interview] K-pop, Chinese tourist influx turn Swarovski’s eyes to Korea admin 06-04 3429
[Herald Interview] Rolls-Royce seeks younger, cooler image admin 06-04 3399
[Herald Interview] Korean culture boon for luxury brands admin 06-04 3404
Pharma Associations Conference 2014 - Conference 2014 admin 01-25 3766
Discovery and e-Discovery Excellence in Cross-border Litigation Conference admin 05-02 5238
[TalklawGlobal]Discovery and e-Discovery Excellence in Cross-border Litigation,April 24,2013,Seoul P.. admin 03-22 4668
[ICLG] Discovery and e-Discovery Excellence in Cross-border Litigation admin 02-12 4674
[MergerMarket,11 Nov. 2012] South Korean pharmas to pursue M&A in 2013 as government pushes for glob.. admin 02-01 4813
[Herald Interview] K-pop, Chinese tourist influx turn Swarovski’s eyes to Korea
Hermann Winkler Senior Vice President Sales Operations Asia North, Swarovski Professional
DATE : 06-04 | VIEW : 3429
[Herald Interview] Rolls-Royce seeks younger, cooler image
Michael A. Schneider General Manager Sales, Asia Pacific, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
DATE : 06-04 | VIEW : 3399
[Herald Interview] Korean culture boon for luxury brands
Francis Srun Managing Director, Boucheron APAC
DATE : 06-04 | VIEW : 3404
Pharma Associations Conference 2014 - Conference 2014
ASCo held “Pharma Associations Conference 2014-Global Partnering for Open Innovation” on 18th – 19th of November, 2014 in Grand Ballroom ...
DATE : 01-25 | VIEW : 3766
The 2nd Annual eDiscovery and Records Management Forum was successfully held on the 15th - 16th Apri..
ASCo held "The 2nd Annual eDiscovery and Records Management Forum" on 15th - 16th of April, 2014 in Grand Ballroom of the Millennium Seoul Hilton ...
DATE : 06-02 | VIEW : 5290
Global Pharma IP Innovation Forum was successfully held on 15th November 2013
ASCo held "The Global Pharma IP Innovation Forum" on Friday, November 15th, 2013 in Grand Ballroom C of the Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel.The conference at...
DATE : 01-08 | VIEW : 4234
The 2nd Annual Pharma Business Development Conference: Cross-border Alliance and M&A
ASCo held "The 2nd Annual Pharma Business Development Conference: Cross-border Alliance and M&A" on Tuesday,Friday 14,15th, 2013 in the Royal Ball...
DATE : 05-31 | VIEW : 5568
Discovery and e-Discovery Excellence in Cross-border Litigation Conference
ASCo held "Discovery and e-Discovery Excellence in Cross-border Litigation Conference" on Tuesday, 24th, 2013 in the Grand Ball Room Seoul...
DATE : 05-02 | VIEW : 5238
[TalklawGlobal]Discovery and e-Discovery Excellence in Cross-border Litigation,April 24,2013,Seoul P..
DATE : 03-22 | VIEW : 4668
[ICLG] Discovery and e-Discovery Excellence in Cross-border Litigation
DATE : 02-12 | VIEW : 4674
[MergerMarket,11 Nov. 2012] South Korean pharmas to pursue M&A in 2013 as government pushes for glob..
DATE : 02-01 | VIEW : 4813
"Pharma Business Development and Cross-border Alliance Conference"
ASCo and Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association (KPMA) held "Pharma Business Development and Cross-border Alliance Conference" on Wedne...
DATE : 12-13 | VIEW : 5460
Global MBA Leadership Conference&Exposition (Review)
Global MBA Leadership Conference & Exposition Global Vision, Global Leadership January 12-13, 2012 January 11, 2012: Pre-Conference Progra...
DATE : 02-01 | VIEW : 7702
ICT Business Excellence Seminar held on 26th Oct. 2010
MIT-ASCo Conference Board held ICT Business Excellence Seminar on Tuesday, 26th Oct. 2010 in Grand Hyatt Hotel. Having Mr. JongLok Yoon, form...
DATE : 04-13 | VIEW : 7745

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