  World IP Leaders Forum  
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Host IIPCC Korea, IPNomics, ASCo
Venue JW Marriott Hotel Seoul
Date 15:00-19:30, Monday, Nov. 21, 2016
Category Conference and Networking dinner

World IP Leaders’ Forum 2016

Create the Future Economy: IP, Entrepreneurs and Innovation

Intellectual Property (IP) is a measure to assess the technology and economy of the future. As the value of intangible assets is growing, the world is now being restructured in a new way. The importance of intellectual property has been even higher than ever - iP has been changing the world.

This November in 2016, thought leaders from businesses, PTOs and policy organization come to Seoul, Republic of Korea. World IP Leader’s Forum 2016 is designed to gather IP elite leaders and entrepreneurs under one roof, and discuss the future intellectual property and entrepreneurship.

With the theme “Create the Future Economy: IP, Entrepreneurs and Innovation' “, “'World IP Leaders' Forum 2016' will share deep insights, best practices and successful models of integrating IP, business and the society for making the world a better place.



 World IP Leaders’ Forum 2016

- Create the Future Economy: IP, Business and Innovation


15:00~19:30, Monday, Nov, 21, 2016 


JW Marriott Seoul Hotel


IIPCC, IPnomics, ASCo

No. of Attendees


Target Attendees

CEO, CIPO, CTO, CLO, IP leaders and experts, IP investors and innovators

Attendees' Benefits

Continuing Legal Education(CLE) accreditation

Networking Cocktail Reception  

Online Registration

Please fill out







Carl J. Schramm, Ph.D.

Professor of Syracuse University,

Former President and CEO of Kauffman Foundation,

Board Member of IIPCC

Carl J. Schramm is an American economist, entrepreneur, and former President and CEO of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, a private philanthropic foundation. The Economist has named Schramm the "evangelist of entrepreneurship". Schrammstepped down at the end of 2011 after nearly ten years at the helm of Kauffman. The Kansas City Star observed: "Under

Schramm's tenure, the foundation laid a geographically bigger entrepreneurship footprint, launching Global Entrepreneurship

Week and becoming the nation's leading funder for entrepreneurship research." When Schramm came to the Kauffman Foundation, most of its grant-making went to local nonprofits, but he was recruited to make Kauffman a national and global

institution. Schramm also made the Kauffman Foundation a pioneer in education—it became the first grant-making foundation

to own and operate its own charter school.

Schramm comes to Syracuse following a decade as president of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. He is the 16th

person in SU history to hold the title of University Professor.

 Randall R. Rader

Former Chief Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit,

Board Member of IIPC

RANDALL R. RADER was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit by President George H. W.

Bush in 1990 and assumed the duties of Chief Judge on June 1, 2010. He was appointed to the United States Claims Court

(now the U. S. Court of Federal Claims) by President Ronald W. Reagan in 1988. Before appointment to the Court of Federal

Claims, former Chief Judge Rader served as Minority and Majority Chief Counsel to Subcommittees of the U.S. Senate

Committee on the Judiciary. From 1975 to 1980, he served as Counsel in the House of Representatives for representatives

serving on the Interior, Appropriations, and Ways and Means Committees. Judge Rader stepped down from Chief Judge

position on May 30, 2014 and retired from the bench on June 30, 2014.

Former Chief Judge Rader’s most prized title may well be “Professor Rader.” As Professor, Judge Rader has taught courses

on patent law and other advanced intellectual property courses at The George Washington University Law School, University

of Virginia School of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center, and other

university programs in Tokyo, Taipei, New Delhi, and Beijing. He received a B.A. in English from Brigham Young University in

1974 and a J.D. from George Washington University Law School in 1978.

 Chul CHOI (崔  哲)

Professor of Hankook University Law School,

Border Member of IIPCC Koorea

Chul Choi is a professor of law at the Law School of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) and an English lawyer

(member of the Bar of England and Wales). He is a co-chair of IIPCC Korea. He has been involved in IP policy in Korea, and

conducted research with regard to IP Finance. He was an expert committee member of Intellectual Property Policy Council,

Prime Minister’s Office (2010 - 2011) and Presidential Council on Intellectual Property Policy, Korean Government (2011 -

2013). He also acted as a non-executive director of Intellectual Discovery (2013 - 2015). He co-authored a book, IP Finance:

Structure and Case of IP Business Model and Finance, written in Korean published by the Korea Institute of Intellectual

Property. He has attended international IP conferences, including IPBC Korea and PIAC China 2016, as a moderator and

speaker. Before joining HUFS Law School as a professor, he practiced as an English lawyer and worked for an international

law firm, Allen & Overy LLP, in London and Hong Kong. He holds degrees of LLM in Intellectual Property Law and LLM in

International Finance Law from the University of London. He is qualified as a Barrister-at-Law. Prior to his legal studies in the UK, he also graduated from Seoul National University and earned BA in Management and MBA in International Business.

33, Hangang-daero 52-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
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